Exp-5 Analysis of LTI system response


 This experiment consists of following sub-experiment whose procedures are given below:

 Exp-5(a) convolution and correlation of two continuous-time signal

 Exp-5(b) convolution and correlation of two discrete-time signal



 Exp-5(a) Convolution and correlation of two continuous-time signal


  •  Run the experiment by pressing "" button.


  • Signal generators generates signal x(r) and h(r) based on selection by the up/down selection keys. The default selected signals for x(r) and h(r) are rectangular and triangular pulses respectively. The signals are shown in scope 1 and scope 2 respectively.


  • The time reversal block reverses the time axis if the boolean control is ON and leave the signal as it is if it is OFF. By default it is in ON state.


       Note: With the change of boolean control, the labels of the scopes and that of the meter also change.


  • The time shifter allows the shifting of the signal by ' t ' seconds to the right. Scope 3 shows the signal x(r) in blue and h(t-r) in green.


  • x(r) and h(t-r) are multiplied by the multiplier block. This waveform is shown in scope 4.


  • The meter labeled as ' Area under x(r)h(t-r) ' indicates the area under the curve shown in scope 4 for a particular set value of shift 't'.


  • The resulting convolution curve (in red) and its trace for varying values of shift 't' (in white) are shown in scope 5.


  • Similarly when the time reversal block is set OFF, the tracer traces a curve which is the cross-correlation or auto-correlation curve of the signals x(t) and h(t) depending on whether x(t) and h(t) are different or same.


  • Perform the experiment with different combinations of input signals.


  • To stop the experiment press the "" button.



 Exp-5(b) Convolution and correlation of two discrete-time signal


  • Run the experiment by pressing "" button.


  • Signal generators generates signal x(r) and h(r) based on selection by the up/down selection keys. The default selected signals for x(r) and h(r) are rectangular and triangular pulses respectively. The signals are shown in scope 1 and scope 2 respectively.


  • The time reversal block reverses the time axis if the boolean control is ON and leave the signal as it is if it is OFF. By default it is in ON state.


  • The time shifter allows the shifting of the signal by 'n' seconds to the right. Scope 3 shows the signal x(r) in blue and h(n-r) in green.


  • x(r) and h(n-r) are multiplied by the multiplier block. This waveform is shown in scope 4.


  • The meter labeled as  ' Area under x(r)h(n-r) ' indicates the area under the curve shown in scope 4 for a particular set value of shift 'n'.


  • The resulting convolution curve (in red) and its trace for varying values of shift 'n' (in white) are shown in scope 5.


  • Similarly when the time reversal block is set OFF, the tracer traces a curve which is the cross-correlation or auto-correlation curve of the signals x(r) and h(r) depending on whether x(r) and h(r) are different or same.


  • Perform the experiment with different combinations of input signals.


  • To stop the experiment press the "" button.